How to create a Job Scorecard

How to create a Job Scorecard

💯 What is a Job scorecard? 💯

There is this direction and confidence which Peak Community’s Premium Circle Emerging CMOs have given it to me. At present, I am evaluating opportunities which will help me to inch closer to my goal of becoming CMO. And this meant doing a total rejig of my personal brand, positioning and the messaging. While going through the jobs section of the community, I came across Amy Volas blog post on Job Scorecard. It’s of immense value and why you should read it? 🚩

1) It helps you to give you a clarity for your next gig 2) It will prompt (subtly force) you to put it in black and white, your expectations, challenges, your expertise, etc.

And when it’s the question of your career, you will definitely keep aside at least 30 minutes for it. There are exercises involved which will help you create your own job score card.

It’s a serious business, trust me. You need to be prepared for what you want.

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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