Tangential relationship on your Goals Stickiness

Tangential relationship on your Goals Stickiness

Why do we go tangent from our goals?

We do go tangent when either we fail at the goals or do not taste success in the beginning. Here the mind tricks, that instant pleasure or success is needed to keep going. But that’s not true, your true grit is tested when you keep going. Success will surely come your way if there is well-oiled effort machinery in place. It’s good that you do not taste success in the first shot, as there is a danger that you will go over-confident. I am tempted to use the word learnings for failures. If we look at the initial learnings, that will help us to modify the strategy and will inch us closer to our goal. The perspective needs to be changed. At the beginning, of my career and thinking that what I chose were my passion projects, when I did not achieve the milestones which I had set for myself, I am guilty of leaving many projects midway. Hopping from one thing to another did not bring any good to me. Rather it increased the impatience. As when the novelty of that project wears off, and no success to push me to the next step, the boredom did seep in, and I had the wrong assumption that this is not the project for which I am made of.

How to hold on for the projects which you have started and do not go tangent:

• Train your mind to look for learnings rather than labelling them as failures. We need to hold on, keep on experimenting with different ways to arrive at that MAGIC. Don’t let the work go wasted, your time is precious. Even if you have spent one day on that project, it means a lot.

• Look for small wins or the progress which you made with that project. Even if it’s a baby step, cherish it and celebrate. Have you ever seen a baby learning to walk? They never give up. They will make sure that they master the art of standing on their feet and walk without any support. Most of the time it’s about the small wins which we ignore as we are aiming to capture that BIG milestone!

Imagine what would have happened, if an athlete picked up badminton one day, football the other day and lawn tennis the day after. It’s ok to play multiple games, but if he/ she wants to develop mastery in one of the sport, one of the interest areas need to be picked up. Jack of all trades, might come in handy but not beneficial in the longer run.

Fix the tangent line, to a straight focused line.

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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