30 Revenue Rules with Cody Ward

30 Revenue Rules with Cody Ward

30 Revenue Rules for More Effective, Scalable & Predictable Growth with Cody Ward

There are three problems around which everything revolves: Justification, Change and Optics

I found one person in the corporate circle who loves purple like me. Now that’s what I assume as Cody Ward had used loads of purple in the session and on his website as well!. His thirty pointer list has inspired me to pen mine.

Cody Ward has gathered (over the past 10 years!) his insights on the journey to becoming a CMO. He understands how leadership has to operate now that he is in their shoes, and he’s made a list of 30 rules he’s learned throughout his career and shared with the Peak community. For the complete list of 30, you need to connect with him! But here I have picked my top five, which hit me hard.

  1. Be a Business Strategist
  2. Be accountable for the entire funnel. Get your optics right in the funnel. Sign up for the revenue!
  3. Reduce friction to buy from you
  4. Everyone thinks they are a marketer, step back
  5. Develop a direct channel and an audience

💯 Out of the five, the one which is ingrained in my mind is on the funnel. Unless Marketing has a direct contribution for the revenue growth of an organization, they will always be looked upon as a support function. Remove the flashy mask, and let’s be in the game with Sales and Customer Success. Be that team which drives the revenue. 💯

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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