Greetings Online Saga

Gone are the days when you used to spend some time in preparing a greeting card or had a diary where all the birthday dates and anniversaries were jotted down.We used to have a stack of cards given by near and dear ones.

Circa 2016.Social Networking sites remember everything for us.They even have a standardized message template.You just hit send and off it goes.You have “done the duty “ of wishing the person on their birthdays, work anniversaries or personal milestones.And yes, how can we forget WhatsApp. An instant message right there.

I had two occasions lately:Work Anniversary and my birthday.I got only handful of personal calls.However, I had an impressive inbox number of congratulatory messages on LinkedIn, Facebook and WhatsApp. My well wishers might have thought that because of my busy life, I might not be able to respond to the call, hence as a courtesy a message was left.Or maybe I was out of town celebrating the birthday so its better not to disturb.However, I feel the reality is, when you are close to someone; you personally congratulate a person via phone or meet them.I would rather wish that person in-person rather than leaving a non-emotional message.I avoid doing that and I am not guilty about it.I was also amused when a well wisher wished me on whatsapp and did not feel the need to wish me when I happen to meet that person on my birthday.Such are the perils of technology! It is making us emotionally dead.

I like receiving personal calls and even when closed ones spare some time from their busy routine to wish me.I treasure them as my gifts.Even If I am not able to receive their call during that time, I make sure to return their call.

We are living in a strange world where technology claims that its bringing people together but sometimes I feel its only drifting us apart.

Happy connecting !

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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