What are the stereotypes which makes your crazy

What are the stereotypes which makes your crazy

Moment which made me cringe.

My 5-year-old boy was attending his class. His other classmate probably had a moment and he started crying. And the teacher, who is in her 20s, told my son, “Tell your friend, that he should not cry. Big Boys do not cry.”

Since we all are operating from home right now, I could hear the word exchange. I smiled at her words. After the class, I made sure that I do tell my son, that it’s ok to cry and Boys do cry and even Papa cries too. There is nothing wrong with crying or expressing your emotions.

Sadly, some people still hold to age-old notions on gender behaviour. We have a long way to go in Breaking Stereotypes.

When all of my energy is spent fighting with the stereotypes, then how will I be left with any energy to create my own game plan?


Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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