I dare to dream

I dare to dream

If I want to become a CMO, then I need to learn what other CMOs are doing. And joining Peak Community was my first step in fulfilling my dream.

Random searches reveal who’s who in this world. I also guard my social feed ferociously. Since that’s the place which empowers me with more learning and I want to keep it clean and relevant. I believe in when you are aiming for something, then you also encounter similar things and I came across below two articles this week:

💥 CMO Secrets Shared by 13 CMOs

💯 World’s most Influential CMOs

I was thinking how to leverage from these two articles as, of course, when the lineup is so great and over 50, how to make sure that this stays with me!

💡 I followed and connected with all the CMOs. Though the acceptance rate was 1%!!!

▶️ I have an action to go through the 13 podcasts shared by Drift!!

After going through the profiles of all the CMOs and brief shared by them, common thread which I identified was:

Does not matter which industry/ product you are handling, ultimately you need to know your customer well. And second thing was they all have worked on some breakthrough campaigns and not that they achieved success right at the start, but they kept going and improvising on them.

More to follow. Stay tuned!


Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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