Are you always Hanging like a Pendulum

Are you always Hanging like a Pendulum

Highs and Lows

“When my world was rocked, my self-esteem plummeted, Low self-esteem is the flip side of an inflated ego. If we’re not everything, we’re nothing. If I’m not great, I am terrible. The two extremes are equally problematic. Sometimes it takes the deflated ego to show you what the inflated ego thought of itself. I was humbled.” Excerpt from Jay Shetty’s book. Think like a Monk.

Of all these growing years, I always remember myself in highs or lows. Either I am super happy or I am extremely sad. Sometimes my mornings are all charged up, and my evenings wade off. Or vice versa. I was always of the opinion that this state of mind is beneficial. A tranquil mind is of no good. We live in our preconceived notions, limited knowledge, and in our ballooned version of ourselves. We are the hero of our movie and treat everybody as side actors. It’s time to ditch the extremes and practice how beyond the realms of happiness and sadness, lies tranquillity.

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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