Let's Learn Together

Let's Learn Together

The Journey of Learning

Learning never stops and our learning journey should also evolve and always be in motion. At every stage, we identify different resources on how to keep ourselves updated with the latest happenings in our interest area. Newspapers, subscriptions to the magazines, visiting the library and hunting for the relevant books or maybe having a conversation with the teachers, elders or learned people in that field.

All this works. And with time our strategy also changes. There is another gem that I have discovered. I shortlisted a list of Industry players who hold expertise in their area. I have dedicated days for each subject and make sure that I read a blog, attend the webinar, or listen to the podcast. Without much ado, here is the list which I refer to broaden my horizons. You will find a couple of them related to Account-Based Marketing as these days this is the latest technology which I am learning about. Caution: This list will be always work in progress as I will keep on adding the resources which are relevant with the times and at which phase of learning I am: 😏

💖 Terminus They are my favourite. They are the uncrowned player in sharing path-breaking content in Marketing, and the way they showcase it, they raise the bar every time (if you do not believe me, watch the recordings from their Break the Shit Event and The Roof)

💖 Drift This is also scoring high on my list because they touch the pulse of B2B Marketing and walk their talk. They know the pain which a B2B Marketeer goes through.

💖 ITSMA All about Marketing! They have an exhaustive list of webinars that covers all the aspects of Marketing. I stumbled upon ITSMA while attending a webinar on let’s Talk ABM. Cue: Keep your ears open when there are many references made by the speakers/ writers on their go-to-learning resources

💖 Let’s Talk ABM Series of Interview which are from Strategic ABM

💖 Bombora I am learning all the nuisances related to Intent Data from them

💖 Folloze See how all the ABM learning is put into practice


Seth Godin

Sangram Vajre

Books- Currently Reading

💥Everybody Writes

💥Fun Home- A Family Tragicomic

💥Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman


💥Primed to Perform

💥On Writing by Stephen King

Communities to join, to ace up your learning The Peak Community

Do check my post on: Book Recommendations (List of books which I have completed)

My To be Read List

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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