Whats your Avatar

Whats your Avatar

You do not hit the Ground from Day one but from Day Zero!

Reminder to Self: the only committment is the lifelong relationship with Growth. Don’t forget you are that block on the chart, which can easily vanish away with just one key!

After a week of sickness, back on the learning curve and starting with what kicks Inside Sales. Latest podcast session on Gong.


  1. Don’t limit yourself to the learnings from marketing influencers. Broaden your scope and listen to the success stories in sales, inside sales and customer success
  2. Share “meaningful data insights” with your team. Understand what metrics can contribute to the success and then automate it.

This week marked my transition from one role to another. It was different experience altogether on moving on from a 13 year old relationship. The messages which I received from my peers were so humbling, many of them gave me goosebumps. All the work which I had done with different teams danced in front of me. But the most important thing which I took forward was the difference which I made in every project, and the relationships built with my colleagues whom I can proudly say are my friends. I could not thank God enough on the blessings which he had bestowed and the opportunities which he brought my way. I silently folded my hands and closed my eyes and thanked him from the bottom of my heart.

Talking about my new assignment, my only wish will be: the energy, excitement which I feel on Day One, should remain the same year on year. Here to the next project, being in the driver seat, with hawk eye on ARR, nothing can stop me now. All the best to me.

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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