Top Ten Marketing Takeaways POST4

Top Ten Marketing Takeaways POST4

What is Conversational ad? Corrina Owens explains it with her super breezy style.

PEAKers are the Real Unicorns and they will jump on 1:1 conversations with fellow PEAKers. During my recent conversation with Corrina Owens, where we talked a lot about Demand Generation and ABM (how can we skip this topic) she suggested I should watch her session on The LinkedIn Ad Strategy that Converts–Tips & Tricks on Using LinkedIn Conversational Ads which she had done for PEAK Community members. Let me tell you, I had seen the topic floating around in the community, but I had no clue what “conversational ads” meant by. First, I had to educate myself about Conversational Ads. Here goes my key takeaways from the session:

  1. LinkedIn’s help section defines the term as. a. Conversation ads allow you to start conversations with professionals and business decision-makers via LinkedIn Messaging on both desktop and mobile devices. They are a form of native advertising displayed to LinkedIn members through Messaging based on the target audience created by the advertiser.Conversation ads may appear to be sent from a company or a LinkedIn member’s profile.
  2. This is a key element of your ABM playbook and it will not hurt you to include an incentive.
  3. Before launching this, get your what/who/when sorted out. Do note that the “when” part is pivotal to your strategy.
  4. The best part is messages never go away from the recipient’s inbox.
  5. Corrina backs up this tactic where B2B customers are definitely looking for personalized experiences and this can contribute to Net-New opportunity creation.
  6. Corrina explains it with the help of user case studies and it’s interesting to see how the integration works with the chatbot function. I have a previous experience in implementing the web chat tool and making this tactic as one of the trusted source by sales reps for lead generation, hence I was doubly interested to see how the responses which are received from the ad are directed to the chatbot. Chatbots are a real powerful medium, “if properly configured..
  7. It’s very important to include qualifying question.
  8. When you are building the audience, it’s important to note that the size should be 1k accounts/ 10k contacts.
  9. It was a learning experience to understand how can we do the optimization of ads.

You can integrate all the information received from this medium to your automation system! Isn’t that a music to the ears when integration between different tech stack and consolidation of the information for a contact is an Achilles heel for we the marketers.

Have you experimented with LinkedIn Conversational ads? What’s your experience been like? Look forward to hearing on that.

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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