The Never Ending Summer

The Never Ending Summer

I dedicate this book to LIFE, how being alive is the greatest gift of nature. This Series depicts Samisha’s struggle to live, to be alive and to understand how LIFE is the unsolved maze. 🌠

Samisha had made a mess of her life by falling for the wrong guy. However, universe had other plans for her. When she caught Nimit with another girl, her inner voice triumphed, and she was brave enough to walk away from the relationship. But heartbreaks are painful, even when you know that the other person was never in love with you. She was swaying in the emotions and was going with the flow. Will Insignius, her first job, help discover her professional dreams? Will she be able to start the side-hustle with her cousins? Will she be able to forgive her mother for not loving her for twenty-three years? Thankfully, she had Mo, her sister Mohini, who was her pillar of strength, and helped her cruise through all the life’s tsunami waves. But she has to find her own power. Mo can not row her life’s boat always.

💯I feel proud to share that The Never-Ending Summer is now available on Kindle and as a paperback on too! 📖

This is first in the series and the second book will be released in 2022.

Look forward to reading your reviews!!

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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