WO-BRIGHT Magazine

WO-BRIGHT Magazine

Introducing WO-BRIGHT Magazine’s Launch Edition, August 2021

A magazine which aims to provide a platform for women to INSPIRE TO ASPIRE!

In life and death, there is nothing instant. Even you can not make Maggi in 2 minutes! Instant coffee is also a myth. Everything takes time, and when one learns to live and experience that phase, then the real growth happens. The best example which I believe are, birth of a child which takes nine months, and the time taken by a plant to grow as a tree. Recently, we got turtles at home, that’s also another example to show that life moves slowly, at its own pace. Watching the trees grow and turtles come in their full form is a wonderful learning experience for them. In today’s digital world, expectation of everything getting delivered with a click is pushing our patience levels to the rock bottom. I keep returning to the nature, which is a reminder to self, that if you are expecting a full mature growth, you need time. If you pluck a fruit, before time, it is a waste.

Five months back, when I decided to freelance editing, content building and harvesting stories for WO-BRIGHT, I knew I was challenging myself. Because it’s human to get edgy when results do not come quickly. Writing fiction and WO-BRIGHT, is helping me to understand that slowing down does not mean that you are getting behind in the race. An outstanding performance has tons of valuable hours spent behind it. The way we nurture a plant, and find out the best time to sow the seed, when to water and nourish, similarly with the professional calling as well, one needs to be better at planning and time management. The only commitment which I keep is with growth, and growth comes with high dedication towards learning.

I feel proud to present the first edition, though it’s not the best, as best is yet to come. With this I have become 1% better than what I was yesterday.

WO-BRIGHT Launch Edition

Do you want to share your thoughts, feedback, drop a note at- shikha@shikhashikz.com

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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