WO BRIGHT Magazine Cover Launch

WO BRIGHT Magazine Cover Launch

Unveiling the Cover of WO-BRIGHT Magazine where we aim to change the definition of beautiful!

Showcase time for my side-hustle. What started two months back as a tea-time discussion, became a curtain raiser today!

In our quest to succeed in the corporate world or setting up our own business, many times, establishing our personal brand takes a backseat. The reason I am a part of this breakthrough project is to emphasize that personal branding is crucial. What you can do, is only known to you. Unless you highlight your expertise and try in marketing “Brand YOU’’, nobody will. Through this magazine, I would like to share inspiring stories, journey of various women and provide them a platform to create their “own brand”.

Brand YOU is very important, never forget that.

I have picked up the learning baton which this project is going to provide to me and together the team of fantastic four, Neha Verma Madan, Neha Sama, Manju Kaira and I aim to change the definition of beautiful. It’s all about Beauty with Mettle. All the knowledge which I have learnt over the past 18 years, is being tested under fire, because here we are working to establish a brand from scratch. Even if I can touch and inspire one life, through our magazine, I will consider this as my big achievement. That moment will be magical for me, when our readers will say, “WO-BRIGHT always accompanies me everywhere.”

Link for the Cover Launch Event on FB Live Session

Magazine Cover

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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