Gang of Insomniacs

Gang of Insomniacs

Celebrating Motherhood! 

Ten mothers get together to share their stories. Get ready for an exciting ride and be ready to cry, laugh and get hysterical. Mind you it’s not a sane world and neither we term ourselves as normal and ordinary. Welcome to the world!

The book has been published and released on :

A glimpse of the chapters

  • A Mother Is Born by Shabali
  • As you are growing, so am I by Neha Verma Madan
  • Journey Down Motherhood Lane by Melissa
  • Mom’s make Memories by Shradha
  • The Fairy and Elf Kingdom by Smriti
  • Are you a Mum-chum or a Buddy-mummy? by Shampa
  • A Good Enough Mother by Ruchika
  • Mother’s diary by Neha Sathe
  • A mother once, a mother forever by Sonali
  • Jeki by Shikha

Happy reading and do not forget to leave your review !

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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