2016, Thank you for being one of the best year of my life

Another year. A New year. Entire December was spent in what we will be doing on 31st and how we will usher in 2017. With two kids in tow, of course a lot of planning is involved. What should be done, what kind of party needs to be organized and so many other things. For my babies, all that they need is balloons and music. Thats the perfect idea for them to have fun and enjoy the day. We planned for a day party and of course everybody enjoyed. A day well spent !

The first day of 2017 was no different. Kids woke up at their usual time and they needed their tasks to be finished at their designated times. The morning chores. It was the same sunrise for them, the same day where they will get going with their toys, favorite cartoons, food time, bed time. It did not matter to them that 2016 was over and 2017 has started. We took them out to a shopping mall for another fun frolic day. Date or the year, they had the least inkling. I was the one who was reminding them that it’s a Happy New Year and she should be wishing everyone. And she was repeating it the way it was taught to her.

This got me thinking. Kids enjoy when they want to irrespective of a weekday or a weekend. Days, special dates do not matter for them. Their parents were at home and they were having a good family time. And they were happy with that. We adults put lot of focus on special moments and time ourselves when we should have fun. So yes, 2017 started on a serious thinking note about what went behind and what’s in store. 2016 in a way was life changing year for me. I published my first book. I still feel that I am in a dream like state. On top of it, I finished second book and released the ebook. Not to forget finalized the concept for the third book.

Statistics for a feel good factor:

  • Define 36 : 572 read the sample chapters of my first book and 14 bought it!

  • The Lift Saga : Attracted 274 users with 1315 page views.

I bought the domain name shikhashikz.com and my site was up and running. A debutante author was interviewed as well! Not once, but twice!

Ten guest blog posts on Writersmelon, twenty stories on Medium and five posts on ThatOddMom and seven LinkedIn Posts. Whew that was a lot. The bar has been set REAL high for the upcoming months. That was on writing and what about reading? Whoa I completed sixteen books. (I had kept a modest challenge to read three books on goodreads!)

I am still trying to digest that I could accomplish all these small feats and I am standing sane. And the most humbling moment was when I discovered myself in the list of “Most Inspiring and Empowered Women“. You might be wondering what next! How 2017 will shape up. I am going to have just two myntra to enjoy life: Be grateful and thankful for everything and enjoy every moment of life.

A BIG thankyou to all my well-wishers and critics. I have just started the race. Wait and Watch!

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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