Tips to Survive Lockdown!

Tips to Survive Lockdown!

This was how I started in 2020, and still holds true! How I have survived the lockdown, and still surviving 😊

My Lockdown CHECKLIST!

Things that seemed to be mandatory during Lockdown. It became like cult habits. I do not shy away from admitting that I did all of these things to be “in the league” and relish the feeling that I am ticking off all the “lockdown required to-do list” It seemed like a test, a marathon, where I was running against myself.

• Dressing up for work (while working from home). In the beginning, it was like clinging to that old normal, that I am going to the office. But later on, it became my second nature. I would not discount the advantages it had:

o My family knew my work-day has started

o I knew that “I am at work”

o There was no panic if a meeting turned out to be a video call

o The formals are still intact

o I am out of my nightdress and not lounging in my pyjamas till 12 pm

o And the most important ways, I felt fresh, I was energetic and kicked off the feeling that I can not go out

• Gave me a self-hair cut (though it looked like that, suddenly the cobbler got hold of my hair). I hated the self-inflicted torture. I did not spare my daughter as well (son was in the hands of my husband) and to give her a nice haircut, the scissors went too far. Result: a bawling unconsolable kid who pronounced that I was the worst mother and would never let me touch her hair again. She wanted to be Rapunzel and I had crashed her dreams like that worst witch. Anyways it did take a lot of effort and encouraging words from my husband, that it was NOT THAT BAD. And the girl is looking cute!

• Every call had to be a “video call”. Now, this was tiring and left me fatigued. It’s not so nice to look at your dull skin, kohl-less eyes, plain lips and that cobbler done haircut while on a video call. I think because we are SO HARSH on our own, that every time we look at ourselves in the mirror, we hate ourselves.

• Madly rationing up on grocery (As if the world is coming to an end, and suddenly there will not be any food left on Earth) I did that and yes there was no space left. I was horrified after seeing the stock which had been picked up. It was that underlying fear that for adults it’s fine, what about kids. Of course, there has to be a sufficient amount for kids. And the definition of sufficient was indeed like full pressure on the cupboards

• Suddenly you have become a chef/ baker and you are doling out all the snacks which you could never think of cooking at home (homemade snack video were the top videos which you had searched for)

• How can fitness be left behind and you are participating in all the “Weird” fitness challenges and even posting those videos online

• When you have become everything from barber to chef to baker to fitness freak then how could the writer be left behind. You remembered about your long-forgotten website

• And how could I forget the “infamous”, DALGONA COFFEE? Haven’t tried it yet? Don’t put yourself in the epic fail bucket and go try it now!

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Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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