Challenging the status quo of marketing

Challenging the status quo of marketing

For the unicorns who dare to dream about becoming 1% better each week.

I wish Peak was formed when I had started my Marketing Journey. The experience of connecting with fellow marketeers, exchanging knowledge, and learning along the journey, is immensely fruitful. I would like to share with you, on how you can leverage Peak to up your game professionally as it teaches you the business of marketing.

Peak Community is an online space for professional marketers to share their expertise, grow their network, develop their personal brand, celebrate their wins, and give back!Some things Peak believes in:

● Peak is not just a community; Peak is an extension of your team”

● We put all the best marketers together so they can grow together

● Give help and get help

○ If you need something and it’s not already there, all we got to do is ask *boom one of the unicorns will step up for you

○ By design everyone is trying to meet and help each other

● Why would you join a community that is NOT marketer only if you’re a marketer?

● Become a business leader

● It’s not just SQLs and KPIs

● Emerging CMOs to become CMOs and CMOs to become better CMOs

● Diverse marketing backgrounds

● Without a community, you are simply a commodity

So, what are you waiting for? Be a part of a peer group that helps you consistently connect, intentionally learn, and professionally grow to be in a leadership role, and do the best work of your life.

Click here to join!


Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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