Book Review Flawed

When I picked up this book, I was not sure if I will be able to complete the book. I became a big fan of Cecelia Ahern when I finished P.S. I Love You. I just could not get over Holly’s loss. That was the only book whose chapters have been re-read. I had similar expectations from Where Rainbows End when I bought this. Each book is different and somehow they did not entertain me much.

It was quite a while that I had not read anything coming from Cecilia. It was a chance stumble at this book. I was returning from a daylong event and my flight was delayed by three hours because of bad weather. It was late in the evening as well and I did not prefer draining away my time on the internet. I decided to head the bookstore at the airport and was browsing through different collections in the fiction section. I saw this book, and gave a long glance at the title Flawed. It seemed interesting to me and then I saw the author name. I was in two minds after my experience with Rainbows but then I decided, let me give it a try. I read the excerpt and proceeded towards the counter.

When I am reading any fiction, I generally finish it in one go or at maximum in a week. I finished few chapters at the airport and decided to pick up the threads once I was back home. With two hyperactive kids, every time I picked up the book to finish it, some or the other chore called for my attention. Travelling is also another time when I finish my readings. The book waited for 4 weeks before I could lay my hands on it. I write fiction as well and have realised reading and writing both drains you out as for that moment you are not you but you are that character. I became Celestine for a while.

I could feel the pain and agony when Celestine was being stamped as Flawed. I could relate to it when she was not following her intuition and got trapped in a plot. Celestine’s naivety was so normal and I am sure you can relate to it.

We all aim for perfection. We want to see things perfect, we want people to be perfect, we want results to be perfect. But when situations are not perfect and the outcome turns out to be what you were not expecting, you are disturbed. A kind of pandemonium prevails, you are confused as you had not envisaged things like this. Celestine also goes through something similar.

We also know power and money corrupt the mind. People starts plotting to keep their position intact. They want people to bow down to them, to their title and fear their position. And when someone dares to question them, emerges strong, the person in power is not able to digest it. I got goosebumps when I witnessed the character of Judge Crevan. It is ruthless and what he inflicts is beyond humanity.

Another concept which emerged was of crowd mentality. How people take sides. How people sway to the sides which give them security, makes them be a part of the herd and not been labelled as the one who is aiding the rebel, flawed. Even though they do not conform to the rules but they follow them to be accepted in the society.

There is also one incident which involves teenagers where they try to derive fun at Celestine’s expense. Teenage is a very delicate phase and often is the building block for the future. What they did to Celestine was unacceptable and how their parents reacted to their behaviour was beyond imagination. Then you do not hate these teenagers, they are what their parents have made them. Their parents supported their ghastly activity. Being a parent I have started to understand a child’s psychology. Parents conforming to that behaviour only gave them more encouragement to repeat this behaviour in the future.

It takes guts to stand for what you believe. To do what you think is right and not what is imposed upon you. And Celestine is that girl whom I would term as a Phoenix.

A great read. It’s a nice weather, the monsoon is arriving. Grab your cuppa, switch off your phone, close the door and take a dip in the Flawed world. I can assure you when you swim out, you will come out pristine.

This article was originally published on Writersmelon.

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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