Mothers are Great Storytellers

Does this reverberate with you ? With me totally does.I am astonished at my own creativity on how I can spin a tale around anything.I have to feed her food , pop comes a story ; She needs to take a bath , there comes this new character ; I need to get her ready to school ; the charade of characters come live.WOW ! We are so creative.I am never alone with my daughter when we are engaged in daily chores.Sometimes , nursery rhymes give me company or that BIG MONSTER who is lurking behind the curtain or the witch with the big nails and open hair who will eat her in no second if she does not finish her food on time.Every task does become a marathon and I have to make it interesting for her.My professional skills does come in handy sometimes.How to make her buy that task and how to make that experience enriching for her and plus I need to add the topping of “ good morals “

As of now , I have only one customer but the user base will increase and soon the younger one will join the bandwagon ! I had to customize my pitch then.Oh God , I feel like running and hiding somewhere.Monster please take me !

And do not underestimate the power of the pint size dictator , she is equally talented in churning out engaging stories.If I have one , she adds two.Her audience is either one of us or her favorite Nani and these days it’s her little baby.(Sometimes she does scare me when she is narrating the story to the curtain )She will tell him to stop crying or else the witch will come.He should finish the milk and like a good boy finish her small meal , else the guy in white clothes will come and take him away.

She is a chatterbox and her interminable talk is missed when she is glued with an electronic device.I have to nudge her to leave that and speak to me.I feel guilty that when she is in a mood , I am busy in doing something and fail to pay attention.A baby’s world is a unique world which is unaffected by time , daily routine , timelines , management etc.I have started to enjoy it and making an effort to pay attention.Doors are not open for long.

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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