Book Review UNNS The Captivation

I did not have any clue what UNNS meant when I picked up this book.This is the beauty of reading as then you do not know where are you heading towards.

No presumptions and you straight away delve in the ocean of words.Everybody has their own definition of love and this book explores what love means for Atharva.

In real life, as well you might find characters like Atharva, who do move on with their professional lives but their heart just gets stuck in one era. And the moments spent in that era becomes the fodder for their entire life. They are happy in getting consumed by reliving those memories. It reiterates the fact for me that Yes Love is blind.

The way Sapan has sketched the character of Meher is noteworthy. Headstrong but with her own frailties.I was expecting a normal love story, you know which talks about puppy love but the way story is twisted with the suspense, secret missions, heart aches, is really wonderful.

I enjoyed reading the book and was perplexed in the end. As writersmelon say, go take a slice in reading!

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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